Demon Slayer Manga

Do you want to participate in a thrilling anime adventure that will put you in the position of a fearless demon fighter? Then welcome to this amazing game! It’s based on a popular manga with the same name, so if you watched or read it, you should be familiar with the plot.

The events of Demon Slayer takes place in Japan during the Taisho era (the beginning of the last century). The main character is a teenager Tanjiro Kamado who lives on a mountain in a typical Japanese outback. His father died long ago, so he is in charge of the family. Tanjiro shares one roof with three brothers, two sisters and a mother. The family earns money by making and selling charcoal. The hero from time to time descends to the village, where he sells coal and helps local residents for a modest fee.

One winter day Tanjiro stayed in the village until late at night. On the way back, he met a familiar old man Saburo, who recommended the guy stay with him for the night, because after sunset demons roam the forest. These mythical creatures attack people, drink their blood and devour their flesh. Tanjiro never believed in the supernatural, but he was very tired, so he decided to stay with the old man for the night.

Upon returning home, he saw that his entire family was brutally torn to pieces by demons. The only survivor is Nezuko’s sister, who has lost a lot of blood and turned into a monster. Although she is infected with demonic blood, by some miracle she retained some part of the human mind. In a hungry impulse, Nezuko attacked her brother, but the demon hunter Giyu Tomioka intervened in the battle of the relatives.

After this fateful meeting, Tanjiro decides to become a demon slayer, avenge the death of loved ones and return his sister to a human form. On his travels, he will find new friends and meet other demon hunters. Plunge into the gripping story of Demon Slayer right now and see how it ends!

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